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Filtering by Tag: Megan Adelaide Schaefer


Bon George

Made in LA - Megan Adelaide Schaefer

MADE IN LA is a series spotlighting cool and interesting people and small businesses in Los Angeles.  See the rest of the profiles here.

Name and Title: Megan Adelaide Schaefer / model, fashion lifestyle photo-blogger in our Billie Top and Charlie Skirt in Indigo

Neighborhood:  Long Beach

Years in LA:  1. However I know the city like the back of my hand.

What are your favorite shops in LA? 

Clare Vivier, Alchemy Works, The Piece Collective, and The Row

What would you never have in your closet? 


What's the most sentimental piece of clothing or accessory you own? 

My husband's vintage Lee denim jacket. 

What are your favorite LA spots to relax on the weekend? 

The rooftop of Ace Hotel, Commissary at the Line Hotel and walks all around the Art's District. 

What's the best meal you've had in LA? 

This is a tough one, especially because I indulge everything... anything on the LA Chapter's menu. 

Made in LA - Megan Adelaide Schaefer

What's on your playlist right now? 

Dum Dum Girls, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Bleached, and Title Fight, has been on the shuffle.

What was the last text you sent/got sent? 

Taylr Anne: Love us so much

Me: :) same

When was the last time you took public transportation? 

This past New Year's Eve.

What was the last movie you saw in the theater? 

American Sniper.

Favorite Farmer's Market? 

Long Beach Flea Market. (it's the best!)

West or East of the 405? 

West side.

Yoga or Hiking? 


Palm Springs or Ojai? 


Fresh Flowers or Succulents? 

Another tough one! I would have to choose fresh flowers though. 

Beach or Pool? 


Juice or Coffee? 

Coffee is a must.