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MADE IN LA is a series spotlighting cool and interesting people and small businesses in Los Angeles.  


Bon George


Name and Title: Madelyn Somers, Creative Director of Francine Dressler

Neighborhood:  West LA

Years in LA:  Approximately 20 (a few years away for college and living abroad, and my recent stint in NYC)

Tell us about Francine Dressler.

Francine Dressler is my mom’s maiden name/artist name and the name of our brand. The brand encompasses art from circa 1979 that we’ve silkscreened on t-shirts and tanks, as well as selling the original prints and posters printed in the 70s. During that time, Francine Dressler was in her 20's, living in Los Angeles and making a name for herself in the art world. Her illustrations provided a comical narrative that is both liberal and sassy. 


What inspired you to create clothing out of the original Francine Dressler prints?

It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while. I’ve grown up with my mom’s art around the house and I knew that she had drawers and drawers of artwork that had been archived since the 70s & 80s. I’ve always loved the humor behind them, but I think more importantly I identify with them—the women in her work are independent individuals who evoke a bold confidence. Last year designer, Rachel Antonoff licensed my mom’s print, “I’ll Be Wearing a Red Carnation” for her Spring/Summer 2014 collection and it seemed like an appropriate time to get the ball rolling on our brand and begin reaching into those archives.

What's your favorite piece from the collection?

I’m into the tanks at the moment, especially the “Summer in the City” print. It’s the perfect tank for Summer…in the…City….obviously.

What are your favorite LA spots to relax on the weekend?

For the Westside: I love hanging out on Abbott Kinney after a day at Venice Beach.

For the Eastside: The downtown Standard is a pretty fun vibe to relax poolside or just walking around Sunset Junction and grabbing an Intelligentsia coffee. To be honest, most of the time I’m hanging out in my brother’s backyard having a BBQ in Echo Park.

What's the best meal you've had in LA?

Probably something at Gjelina, but I’m pretty easy when it comes to my LA food spots. I usually just pick something up from the Japanese market on Sawtelle, a sandwich at Bay Cities or grab a ceviche tostada from La Isla Bonita taco truck.

What's on your playlist right now?

 (loving her Spice Girls cover) and Blood Orange! If you had asked me a few months back I would have said Arcade Fire’s album Reflektor – it was on loop all day/everyday.

What was the last text you sent/got sent?

Me: “hey”

Charlotte: “hey”

When was the last time you took public transportation?

New Years Eve 2010 I took the Subway.

What was the last movie you saw in the theater?

Palo Alto. I love a good coming-of-age story.

Favorite Farmer's Market?

Santa Monica Farmer’s Market because you get to see all the chefs from LA’s most popular restaurants grabbing their ingredients. It’s fun to follow them around and see how they pick their produce.

West or East of the 405?

When I was younger I would have said West, but I think I’m more into the Eastside’s downtown art scene.

Yoga or Hiking? 

Hiking, for sure! I love being outdoors and yoga has never been my favorite thing to do regardless of how many times I try. I’m probably not zen enough, haha.

Palm Springs or Ojai? 

Palm Springs! I love the retro aesthetic and the old school Hollywood vibe, but most of all the palm trees opposite the mountains are pretty picturesque.

Fresh Flowers or Succulents? 

This is tough. I love fresh flowers, but they die so quickly. Succulents last forever. “Fresh flowers come and go, but succulents last forever” should be copy written, haha.

Beach or Pool? 

Beach. Pools are nice, but the ocean is endless.

Juice or Coffee? 

Ice coffee, I suppose.